Deströyer 666

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Deströyer 666
OriginMelbourne, VIC
GenresThrash metal
Years active1994 - present
LabelsModern Invasion, Season of Mist, Iron Pegasus
Associated actsBestial Warlust, Abominator, Razor of Occam, Prostitute Disfigurement, Mass Confusion, Gospel of the Horns, Hobbs Angel of Death, Destruktor, Assaulter, In Aeternum, Long Voyage Back, Corpse Molestation, Ignivomous, Denouncement Pyre, Nocturnal Graves, Nifelheim
MembersKK Warslut, Desecrator, Felipe Plaze Kutzbach
Past membersS Berserker, Erich de Windt, Bullet Eater, Deceiver, Howitzer, Mersus, Shrapnel, Per Karlsson, Matt Razor, R.C.

Band members

  • Current line-up
    • KK Warslut (vocals, guitar)
    • Felipe Plaza Kutzbach (bass)
    • Kev Desecrator (drums)
  • Former members
    • R.C. (guitar, vocals) 2012 - 2020
    • Per Karlsson (drums) 2012 - 2017
    • Matt Razor (bass) 2004 - 2014
    • Shrapnel (guitar) 1996 - 2012
    • Mersus (drums) 2001 - 2012
    • Simon Berserker (bass) 2000 - 2003
    • Erich de Windt (drums) 2000 - 2001
    • Bullet Eater (bass) 1996 - 2000
    • Deceiver (drums) 1998 - 2000
    • Howitzer (drums) 1996 - 1998

Band information

Deströyer 666 began life as a solo excursion for former Bestial Warlust guitarist Warslut, who produced the first album with drum contributions from Criss Volcano of Abominator and Skitz of Damaged. After this the line-up solidified with the addition of bassist Phil "Bullet Eater" Gresik, drummer Howitzer from Gospel of the Horns and Shrapnel on second guitar. Unchain the Wolves strengthened the reputation established by the debut. In 2000 Deströyer 666 spent time in Europe. Howitzer had been replaced in the band by Deceiver (Jarro of Destruktor) in the meantime, and the long-awaited third album, Phoenix Rising, which had been recorded in mid-1999 was released in late 2000.

Gresik and Deceiver were replaced in 2000 by Simon Berserker and Erich de Windt from Dutch band Prostitute Disfigurement. de Windt was soon replaced by Mersus in 2001 and the band embarked on their biggest tour to date with Immolation and Deranged, after which Deströyer 666 settled in the Netherlands, a location that provided them with a central location for further European touring.

Late in 2003, with Matt Razor from Shrapnel's other band Razor of Occam replacing Berserker, Deströyer 666 returned to Australia, where they undertook a national tour and featured as the main attraction of that year's Metal for the Brain festival. The group then disappeared for some time, re-emerging in mid-2005 with an announcement that a compilation album of tracks from their vinyl EPs may be released, though this did not occur until late 2010. During September 2006 Deströyer 666 made its first tour of the US. The fourth album Defiance was released in June 2009. In January 2010, Deströyer 666 returned to Australia for a national tour. Long-serving members Shrapnel and Mersus parted ways with the group in 2012, leaving D666 as a three piece of Warslut, Razor and drummer Per Karlsson (In Aeternum). Guitarist R.C. joined soon after. With the departure of Razor, Felipe Plaza Kurzbach of Nifelheim became the band's bassist and French drummer Desecrator replaced Karlsson in 2018. An Australian tour with Bölzer in 2019 had to be abandoned when the music website Tone Deaf revealed Warslut's links to neo-Nazism and a history of misogynist and homophobic statements on stage, causing all the venues to ban them from playing; Bölzer completed the tour without them and D666 has not been back to Australia since.



1997 Unchain the Wolves Modern Invasion
2000 Phoenix Rising Season of Mist
2002 Cold Steel... for an Iron Age Season of Mist
2009 Defiance Season of Mist
2010 To the Devil His Due Season of Mist
2016 Wildfire Season of Mist
2022 Let the Demon Speak Goatowarex


1995 Violence is the Prince of This World Modern Invasion
1998 Satanic Speed Metal Merciless
2002 ...of Wolves, Women and War Satan's Metal
2003 Terror Abraxas Iron Pegasus
2010 See You in Hell Invictus
2018 Call of the Wild Season of Mist


2000 King of Kings AJNA Offensive