Enlightened by Darkness

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Band members

  • Final line-up
    • Ashley Backhouse (guitar)
    • Brett Glover (drums)
    • Alex Hunt (bass)
    • Hayden Mitton (vocals)
    • Nadir Saleh (guitar)
  • Former members
    • Ryan Clark (bass) (2003 - 2004)
    • Brad Hedges (guitar) (2003 - 2004)




Rockhampton, QLD, 2003

Band information

Enlightened by Darkness was a melodic thrash band from Rockhampton. The group formed as trio of Saleh, Clark and Glover before Mitton was recruited. Backhouse and Hunt replaced early members Hedges and Clark and the band released an EP in 2005. A second CD appeared that featured a variety of styles ranging from old school metal to modern thrash and aggressive metalcore and Enlightened by Darkness featured at 2007’s Metalstock festival. Several members began working on other projects after this and in early 2008 it was announced that the group would end in April after a festival date with Gyroscope. Mitton, Hunt and Glover were later with Bloodredskies.



2007 Buried Beneath self release


2005 Time to Change self release

Compilation tracks:

Year Track Title Album Title Label
2007 "The Blackest Alchemy" 13 Shades of Shadow Welkin Entertainment
2007 "Whitechapel 1888" A BLaze in the Southern Skies Prime Cuts