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- AK-11
- A Breach of Silence
- A Greed Science
- A Million Dead Birds Laughing
- A Murder of Crows
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- A Red Dawn
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- As Venice Sinks
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- Beneath the Tide
- Beneath the Tides
- Bengal Tigers
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- Black Alice
- Black Anal Goat Vomit
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- Black Jack
- Black Jesus
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- Bleeding Sadist
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- Blistered Palms
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- Bloodlust Festival
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- Bloodshed of the Innocent
- Bloodstone
- Blowtorch Abortion
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- Bludgeoner
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- Blunt Trauma
- Blüddypŏp
- Body Prison
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- Boris the Blade
- Born From the Ashes
- Born Headless
- Boss
- Bowel Fetus
- Bowelmouth
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- Bronson
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- Buffalo
- Bulldozer