Gig Guide

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Welcome to the Gig Guide at Ausmetalguide. The table is sortable by State using the square-shaped button.

If you have an account here, and you know of a gig that needs to be added, feel free to include it. Please include date, bands playing, and venue details. Note that you must first create an account, if you haven't already.

Date State Event Venue
8.10 VIC Oceano (US), Aversions Crown, Feed Her to the Sharks The Basement, Belconnen
9.10 NSW Oceano (US), Aversions Crown, Feed Her to the Sharks Cambridge Tavern, Newcastle
10.10 NSW Oceano (US), Aversions Crown, Feed Her to the Sharks Exchange Hotel, Darlinghurst
10.10 QLD Devin Townsend Project (Can.), Toehider Auditorium, Brisbane
10.10 QLD The Butterfly Effect The Zoo, Fortitude Valley
11.10 NSW Devin Townsend Project (Can.), Toehider Metro Theatre, Sydney
11.10 NSW Amorphis (Fin.), Datura Curse, The Eternal Factory Theatre, Marrickville
11.10 NSW Oceano (US), Aversions Crown, Feed Her to the Sharks Yo Yo's Youth Centre, Frenchs Forest (A/A)
11.10 VIC The Butterfly Effect Esplanade Hotel, St Kilda
11.10 ACT Mephistopheles, New Blood, Inhuman Remnants, Infested Entrails The Basement, Belconnen
12.10 NSW Baby Animals Cambridge Tavern, Newcastle
12.10 VIC BREWTALITY: King Parrot, King of the North, Scar the Surface, Bronson, Witchgrinder, Drifter, The Hidden Venture, Hadal Maw, Join the Amish, Zelorage Tote Hotel, Collingwood
12.10 VIC BREWTALITY: Electrik Dynamite, Dreadnaught, Desecrator, Heaven the Axe, The Change, Frankenbok, Truth Corroded, I am Duckeye, Abreact, Diprosus, Orpheus Omega, House of Thumbs, Don Fernando, The Deep End, Internal Nightmare, Infiltraitor, Tensions Arise, HailMary, Audemia, Bury the Truth Bendigo Hotel, Collingwood
12.10 QLD Oceano (US), Aversions Crown, Feed Her to the Sharks Thriller, Brisbane
12.10 QLD Amorphis (Fin.), The Eternal, Datura Curse HiFi Bar, West End
13.10 VIC Devin Townsend Project (Can.), Ne Obliviscaris The Palace, Melbourne
13.10 QLD Oceano (US), Aversions Crown, Feed Her to the Sharks Tall Poppies Studios, Brisbane (A/A)
14.10 VIC Amorphis (Fin.), The Eternal, Datura Curse Billboard the Venue, Melbourne
15.10 WA Devin Townsend Project (Can.), Voyager Metropolis, Perth
16.10 WA Amorphis (Fin.), Voyager Amplifier Bar, Perth
17.10 WA The Butterfly Effect Rosemount Hotel, North Perth
18.10 QLD Every Time I Die (US), The Fevered HiFi Bar, West End
18.10 QLD Baby Animals The Zoo, Fortitude Valley
18.10 SA The Butterfly Effect Fowlers Live, Adelaide
19.10 NSW The Butterfly Effect Annandale Hotel, Annandale
19.10 NSW Taberah, Darker Half, Metal, Metreya Bald Faced Stag Hotel, Leichhardt
19.10 NSW Every Time I Die (US), I Exist, Hellion Manning Bar, Sydney Uni
19.10 QLD Baby Animals The Zoo, Fortitude Valley
19.10 VIC Scar the Surface Ferntree Gully Hotel, Ferntree Gully
20.10 VIC Every Time I Die (US), I Exist, Surrender Corner Hotel, Richmond
22.10 QLD Korpiklaani (Fin.) The Zoo, Fortitude Valley
22.10 SA Every Time I Die (US), Life Pilot, Grenadiers Fowlers Live, Adelaide (Lic. A/A)
23.10 VIC Stratovarius (Fin.), Eyefear, Darker Half Billboard the Venue, Melbourne
23.10 VIC Korpiklaani (Fin.) Corner Hotel, Richmond
24.10 SA Baby Animals Governor Hindmarsh Tavern, Hindmarsh
24.10 WA Every Time I Die (US), Chainsaw Hookers, Statues Amplifier Bar, Perth
24.10 WA Behemoth (Pol.), Hour of Penance (It.), Advent Sorrow Capitol Theatre, Perth
25.10 NSW Stratovarius (Fin.), Eyefear, Darker Half HiFi Bar, Moore Park
25.10 NSW Korpiklaani (Fin.) Manning Bar, Sydney Uni
25.10 VIC Behemoth (Pol.), Hour of Penance (It.), Cemetery Urn Prince Bandroom, Melbourne
25.10 VIC Vanishing Point, Albatross (Ind.), Crimsonfire, Alaskan Thunder Central Club Hotel, Fitzroy
26.10 NSW Hobbs Angel of Death, Albatross (Ind.), Bastardizer, Exekute, Paralysis Bald Faced Stag Hotel, Leichhardt
26.10 NSW The Devil Rides Out, Daredevil, Los Hombres del Diablo Hermann's Bar, Sydney Uni
26.10 NSW Behemoth (Pol.), Hour of Penance (It.), Exekute Manning Bar, Sydney Uni
26.10 SA Korpiklaani (Fin.) Governor Hindmarsh Tavern, Hindmarsh
26.10 ACT Baby Animals ANU Bar, Acton
26.10 TAS Scar the Surface Brisbane Hotel, Hobart (A/A - arvo, 18+ night)
27.10 NSW Sleep (US), The Devil Rides Out, Summonus Manning Bar, Sydney Uni
27.10 NSW Darker Half, Albatross (Ind.), Sylvain, Rampage Dicey Riley's Hotel, Wollongong
27.10 QLD Behemoth (Pol.), Hour of Penance (It.), Eternal Rest HiFi Bar, West End
27.10 WA Korpiklaani (Fin.) Rosemount Hotel, North Perth
28.10 WA Sleep (US), The Devil Rides Out, Bayou Rosemount Hotel, North Perth
30.10 VIC Baby Animals The Wool Exchange, Geelong
30.10 QLD Wednesday 13 (US) HiFi Bar, West End
31.10 NSW Firewind (Gr.) Manning Bar, Sydney Uni
31.10 NSW Wednesday 13 (US) Metro Theatre, Sydney
31.10 VIC Baby Animals Corner Hotel, Richmond
31.10 WA Enslaved (Nor.), Rise of Avernus, Malignant Monster, Wardaemonic Rosemount Hotel, Perth
1.11 NSW The Screaming Jets Plantation Hotel, Coffs Harbour
1.11 VIC Enslaved (Nor.), Rise of Avernus, Ne Obliviscaris, Hybrid Nightmares HiFi Bar, Melbourne
1.11 VIC Wednesday 13 (US) Billboard the Venue, Melbourne
1.11 VIC Scar the Surface Sound Bar, Werribee
1.11 QLD Firewind (Gr.) HiFi Bar, West End
1.11 QLD A Million Dead Birds Laughing, The Schoenberg Automaton, Aeon of Horus, Medusa's Mirror Upstairs @ 199, West End
2.11 NSW Enslaved (Nor.), Rise of Avernus, Germ Manning Bar, Sydney Uni
2.11 NSW STEEL ASSASSINS: Elm Street, Widow (US), Razorwyre (NZ), Malakyte, Gorefield, Sabretung, Majister, Avarin, Damnations Day, Hazmat, Bane of Winterstorm, Fenrir, Mason, Matronarch, Head in a Jar, Enter VI, Cerebral Contortion Bald Faced Stag Hotel, Leichhardt
2.11 NSW The Screaming Jets North Haven Bowling Club, North Haven
2.11 VIC Scar the Surface Newmarket Hotel, Bendigo
2.11 QLD A Million Dead Birds Laughing, The Schoenberg Automaton, Aeon of Horus, Scumguts Crowbar, Fortitude Valley
2.11 SA Firewind (Gr.) Fowlers Live, Adelaide
2.11 WA Baby Animals Astor Theatre, Mt Lawley
3.11 NSW Razorwyre (NZ) Liverpool PCYC (A/A)
3.11 VIC Firewind (Gr.) Corner Hotel, Richmond
3.11 QLD Enslaved (Nor.), Rise of Avernus, Ne Obliviscaris, Vyrion HiFi Bar, West End
7.11 ACT Razorwyre (NZ) The Basement, Belconnen
8.11 NSW The Screaming Jets Kinross Woolshed, Albury
8.11 NSW Scar the Surface Hotel Gearin, Katoomba
8.11 VIC Razorwyre (NZ) Central Club Hotel, Richmond
8.11 SA A Million Dead Birds Laughing, The Schoenberg Automaton, Aeon of Horus, Seminal Embalment, Closed Casket Enigma Bar, Adelaide (Lic. A/A)
9.11 NSW Baby Animals Metro Theatre, Sydney
9.11 VIC The Screaming Jets Corner Hotel, Richmond
9.11 VIC In Malice's Wake, Desecrator, Malakyte, Harlott, Party Vibez, Mason Bendigo Hotel, Collingwood
9.11 SA Razorwyre (NZ) Enigma Bar, Adelaide
9.11 WA A Million Dead Birds Laughing, The Schoenberg Automaton, Xenobiotic, Iconoclast Civic Hotel, Inglewood
10.11 WA A Million Dead Birds Laughing, The Schoenberg Automaton, Sensory Amusia, Temporal, Dawn of Leviathan YMCA HQ, Leederville WA (A/A)
14.11 QLD Nile (US), The Faceless (US), ROME HiFi Bar, West End
15.11 NSW Nile (US), The Faceless (US), New Blood Manning Bar, Sydney Uni
15.11 NSW The Screaming Jets The Entrance Leagues Club, Bateau Bay
15.11 VIC Taberah, Elm Stree, Electrik Dynamite Cherry Bar, Melbourne
15.11 QLD Between the Buried and Me (US), The Contortionist (US) The Zoo, Fortitude Valley
15.11 SA Scar the Surface Enigma Bar, Adelaide
16.11 NSW Between the Buried and Me (US), The Contortionist (US) Metro Theatre, Sydney
16.11 NSW The Screaming Jets Waves, Towradgi
16.11 VIC Nile (US), The Faceless (US), A Million Dead Birds Laughing Corner Hotel, Richmond
16.11 QLD NECK WRECK FESTIVAL: Psycroptic, King Parrot, Synthetic Breed, Kunvuk, Killrazer, Darker Half, Tempest Rising, Recoil v.o.r., Magnertron, Hazmat, Upside Downside, Kyzer Soze, In Death..., Dead Deities, Gorefield, Azreal, Demonfire, Acorea, Kablammo, Nemesystem Transcontinental Hotel, Brisbane
16.11 SA Scar the Surface Northern Sound System, Elizabeth (A/A)
17.11 WA Nile (US), The Faceless (US), Sensory Amusia Amplifier Bar, Perth
17.11 ACT Between the Buried and Me (US), The Contortionist (US) The Basement, Belconnen
19.11 VIC Between the Buried and Me (US), The Contortionist (US) Corner Hotel, Richmond
20.11 QLD Moonsorrow (Fin.) HiFi Bar, West End
21.11 SA Between the Buried and Me (US), The Contortionist (US) Uni Bar, Adelaide Uni (Lic/AA)
21.11 SA Moonsorrow (Fin.) Governor Hindmarsh Tavern, Hindmarsh
21.11 WA Tumbleweed, Kadavar (Ger.), Blues Pills (Swe.), The Devil Rides Out Rosemount Hotel, North Perth
22.11 NSW Moonsorrow (Fin.) Manning Bar, Sydney Uni
22.11 WA Between the Buried and Me (US), The Contortionist (US) Amplifier Bar, Perth
22.11 WA Tumbleweed, Kadavar (Ger.), Blues Pills (Swe.), Legs Electric Mojos, Fremantle
23.11 NSW The Screaming Jets Metro Theatre, Sydney
23.11 NSW Scar the Surface Albury Masonic Hall, Albury
23.11 VIC Moonsorrow (Fin.) HiFi Bar, Melbourne
23.11 SA Tumbleweed, Kadavar (Ger.), Blues Pills (Swe.), Before the Aftermath, Hydromedusa Adelaide Uni Bar, Adelaide
24.11 WA Moonsorrow (Fin.) Rosemount Hotel, North Perth
26.11 VIC Kadavar (Ger.), Blues Pills (Swe.), King of the North, Child Northcote Social Club, Northcote
27.11 VIC Kadavar (Ger.), Blues Pills (Swe.), River of Snakes, Sun God Replica Northcote Social Club, Northcote
28.11 QLD Ulcerate (NZ) Crowbar, Fortitude Valley
28.11 ACT Kadavar (Ger.), Blues Pills (Swe.), Looking Glass ANU Refectory, Acton
29.11 NSW The Amenta, Ulcerate (NZ) Bald Faced Stag Hotel, Leichhardt
29.11 NSW Kadavar (Ger.), Blues Pills (Swe.), Nunchukka Superfly, Dead China Doll The Factory, Marrickville
29.11 SA The Screaming Jets Governor Hindmarsh Tavern, Hindmarsh
30.11 NSW Kadavar (Ger.), Blues Pills (Swe.), King of the North, Arrowhead The Factory, Marrickville
30.11 VIC SONIC FORGE FESTIVAL: Ne Obliviscaris, Ulcerate (NZ), The Amenta, King Parrot, Ruins, Dreadnaught, Hypno5e (Fra.), Cailgula's Horse, Orpheus Omega, Frankenbok, In Malice's Wake, Truth Corroded, A Million Dead Birds Laughing, Okera, Naberus, Hybrid Nightmares, Adamus Exul, Hadal Maw, Bane of Winterstorm, Metalstorm Esplanade Hotel, St Kilda
30.11 WA The Screaming Jets Astor Theatre, Mt Lawley
1.12 QLD Kadavar (Ger.), Blues Pills (Swe.) Crowbar, Fortitude Valley
2.12 QLD Kadavar (Ger.), Blues Pills (Swe.) Crowbar, Fortitude Valley
4.12 QLD Kataklysm (Can.), Gotsu Totsu Kotsu (Jap.) Crowbar, Fortitude Valley
5.12 SA Kataklysm (Can.), Gotsu Totsu Kotsu (Jap.) Fowlers Live, Adelaide
6.12 VIC Kataklysm (Can.), Gotsu Totsu Kotsu (Jap.) Corner Hotel, Richmond
6.12 VIC Scar the Surface Newmarket Hotel, Bendigo
6.12 QLD Steel Panther (US), Buckcherry (US) Riverstage, Brisbane (A/A)
6.12 WA Melvins (US) Metropolis, Fremantle
7.12 NSW Kataklysm (Can.), Gotsu Totsu Kotsu (Jap.) Manning Bar, Sydney Uni
7.12 NSW Steel Panther (US), Buckcherry (US) Hordern Pavilion, Moore Park (A/A)
8.12 VIC Steel Panther (US), Buckcherry (US) Sidney Myer Music Bowl, Melbourne (A/A)
8.12 QLD Melvins (US), Helmet (US) HiFi Bar, West End
8.12 WA Kataklysm (Can.), Gotsu Totsu Kotsu (Jap.) Rosemount Hotel, North Perth
9.12 NSW Melvins (US), Helmet (US) Northern Hotel, Byron Bay
10.12 SA Steel Panther (US), Buckcherry (US) Adelaide Entertainment Centre, Adelaide (A/A)
11.12 NSW Melvins (US), Helmet (US) Cambridge Tavern, Newcastle
12.12 NSW The Screaming Jets Cambridge Tavern, Newcastle
12.12 WA Steel Panther (US), Buckcherry (US) Metro City, Perth
12.12 ACT Melvins (US), Helmet (US) ANU Bar, Acton
13.12 VIC Sirenia (Nor.), Ne Obliviscaris, Orpheus Omega Corner Hotel, Richmond
13.12 ACT Scar the Surface The Basement, Belconnen
14.12 NSW Sirenia (Nor.), Ne Obliviscaris, Orpheus Omega Factory Theatre, Marrickville
14.12 NSW Scar the Surface Agincourt Hotel, Ultimo
15.12 NSW Melvins (US), Helmet (US) HiFi Bar, Moore Park
16.12 SA Melvins (US), Helmet (US) Governor Hindmarsh Hotel, Hindmarsh
17.12 VIC Melvins (US) HiFi Bar, Melbourne
18.12 VIC Helmet (US) HiFi Bar, Melbourne
19.12 TAS Melvins (US) Brisbane Hotel, Hobart
16.1 QLD Rotting Christ (Gr.), The Amenta, Terra Australis Crowbar, Fortitude Valley
17.1 NSW Rotting Christ (Gr.), The Amenta, Terra Australis HiFi Bar, Moore Park
18.1 VIC Rotting Christ (Gr.), The Amenta, Terra Australis HiFi Bar, Melbourne
25.1 NSW UNDER THE SOUTHERN CROSS: Dreadnaught, Cruciform, Aeon of Horus, Hadal Maw, The Levitation Hex, As Silence Breaks, ROME, Sotharian Dawn, Ya̧nomamö, Dead Life, Arrowhead, Bastardizer Bald Faced Stag Hotel, Leichhardt
22.2 QLD SOUNDWAVE: Green Day (US), Avenged Sevenfold (US), Stone Temple Pilots (US), Alice in Chains (US), Megadeth (US), Down (US), Testament (US), Rob Zombie (US), Korn (US), Alter Bridge (US), Trivium (US), DevilDriver (US), Newsted (US), Clutch (US), Living Colour (US), Five Finger Death Punch (US), GWAR (US), The Black Dahlia Murder (US), Whitechapel (US), Volbeat (Den.), Amon Amarth (Swe.), Skindred (UK), Terror (US), TesseracT (US), Ill Nino (US), Hardcore Superstar (Swe.), MushroomHead (US), more RNA Showgrounds, Brisbane
23.2 NSW SOUNDWAVE: Green Day (US), Avenged Sevenfold (US), Stone Temple Pilots (US), Alice in Chains (US), Megadeth (US), Down (US), Testament (US), Rob Zombie (US), Korn (US), Alter Bridge (US), Trivium (US), DevilDriver (US), Newsted (US), Clutch (US), Living Colour (US), Five Finger Death Punch (US), GWAR (US), The Black Dahlia Murder (US), Whitechapel (US), Volbeat (Den.), Amon Amarth (Swe.), Skindred (UK), Terror (US), TesseracT (US), Ill Nino (US), Hardcore Superstar (Swe.), MushroomHead (US), more Sydney Showground, Sydney Olympic Park
28.2 VIC SOUNDWAVE: Green Day (US), Avenged Sevenfold (US), Stone Temple Pilots (US), Alice in Chains (US), Megadeth (US), Down (US), Testament (US), Rob Zombie (US), Korn (US), Alter Bridge (US), Trivium (US), DevilDriver (US), Newsted (US), Clutch (US), Living Colour (US), Five Finger Death Punch (US), GWAR (US), The Black Dahlia Murder (US), Whitechapel (US), Volbeat (Den.), Amon Amarth (Swe.), Skindred (UK), Terror (US), TesseracT (US), Ill Nino (US), Hardcore Superstar (Swe.), MushroomHead (US), King Parrot, more Flemington Racecourse, Melbourne
1.3 SA SOUNDWAVE: Green Day (US), Avenged Sevenfold (US), Stone Temple Pilots (US), Alice in Chains (US), Megadeth (US), Down (US), Testament (US), Rob Zombie (US), Korn (US), Alter Bridge (US), Trivium (US), DevilDriver (US), Newsted (US), Clutch (US), Living Colour (US), Five Finger Death Punch (US), GWAR (US), The Black Dahlia Murder (US), Whitechapel (US), Volbeat (Den.), Amon Amarth (Swe.), Skindred (UK), Terror (US), TesseracT (US), Ill Nino (US), Hardcore Superstar (Swe.), MushroomHead (US), more Bonython Park, Adelaide
3.2 WA SOUNDWAVE: Green Day (US), Avenged Sevenfold (US), Stone Temple Pilots (US), Alice in Chains (US), Megadeth (US), Down (US), Testament (US), Rob Zombie (US), Korn (US), Alter Bridge (US), Trivium (US), DevilDriver (US), Newsted (US), Clutch (US), Living Colour (US), Five Finger Death Punch (US), GWAR (US), The Black Dahlia Murder (US), Whitechapel (US), Volbeat (Den.), Amon Amarth (Swe.), Skindred (UK), Terror (US), TesseracT (US), Ill Nino (US), Hardcore Superstar (Swe.), MushroomHead (US), more Claremont Showground, Perth